I am passionate about helping firms determine what makes them unique. We then collaborate over virtual coffees (or wine), and a new value-driven website is born.
I launched Xero Australia in 2009 and have over 35 years of experience in the accounting industry, from Sales to Marketing in AU, the US, UK, and China, in leadership roles, providing mentoring on sales and marketing for high-growth accounting firms.
In 2017, Sally Schmidt and I boldly decided to pack our life up in Melbourne and book one-way tickets to travel around the world slowly. We have achieved 80 countries whilst working remotely and enjoying my new passion for designing websites.
I am passionate about helping businesses transform and stand out—a strong leader focusing on delivering a positive customer experience both within and outside the organisation. I am an enthusiast of data to provide insightfulness and actionable results, along with an eagle eye.
I was pivotal in launching Xero in Australia, contributing to its phenomenal growth and success. She has nearly 20 years of experience working globally in the software industry in Australia, the US and the UK.
Wayne and I are passionate about helping make the world a better place. We are strong supporters of B1G1, an incredible movement that provides a platform to help us achieve this and change lives daily.
I am in a unique position. I have the privilege of combining my life's passion for travel with successfully working remotely alongside my husband.
How we Help You
Does your website generate leads?
The average person now spends under seven seconds on a website before deciding to stay or leave.
What makes your firm unique?
Does a prospective client know precisely who you are and why they should change accountants without scrolling?
Is your website just a brochure?
Did you give your previous website designer your company overview brochure and request a website? Congratulations, you've taken something printed and placed it on a dynamic medium; your website is brochureware.
Easily to maintain.
You're too busy to learn another system, so why use Wix as the development platform - no longer being tied to a website developer?
Next step.
Bespoke Mentor Doo Beograd
Mirijevski Bulevar 54
Beograd 11060 Serbia
Registration Number: Регистарски број/Матични број: 21927767
PIB Taxation Number: ПИБ (додељен од Пореске управе РС): 113799854
Phone: +381 62 1877 482